Give A Shirt, Take A Shirt

Are you looking for some new summer dresses or scarves and don’t feel like breaking the bank??


Create your own CLOTHING SWAP! Bring your friends/family together and any clothing items, household goods, accessories that are still in wearable and clean condition. In return, you will find items that other people are giving away that you can become the proud new owner of!

Today, I just attended a clothing swap for the first time. Friends, co-workers, family members alike were in attendance to provide some great clothing options along with drinks (cocktails, and non-alcoholic beverages) and snacks. All items that did not get snatched up will be donated to the Housing Works Thrift Store (on 17th Street).

I want to thank the lovely host, Lauriana, for planning this wonderful activity today!

I’m certain that all of you out there have your own personal items that you’ve left in the corner of your bedroom or living room to give away. Why not make the process more fun and exciting, with a chance to get something for yourself? For events like these, there are some great second hand items that may just need a new person or place to feel like home again! 

**Learn more about Housing Works and what they do to give back to HIV/AIDS communities that may not have the proper resources to care and nuture these brave individuals towards better health and lives.

**Are you interested in learning more about clothing swaps? Do you want to create an event of your own? There are many sources to check out and learn more!

Clothing Swap:

Swap Style:

Life Style Organizers article

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